

Year 11

GCSE results day is Thursday August 22nd, 2024. The usual arrangements for collecting GCSE results are for pupils to arrive at Toynbee from 09:30am until 12:00pm. On results day pupils will receive their statement of results (collect from the canteen) and a pack of advice on what steps to take next. Senior staff, teachers and the exam officer will be available on the morning to provide advice. Please refer to the information below to see details on what steps to take after you have received your results.

Year 10

The written mock exams for the 2024-25 cohort will take place from 4th November to 22nd November 2024. In the week before Autumn half term (October 21st to October 25th) there will also be French and Spanish speaking exams and Dance and Drama exams. Exams usually start at either 9am or 1:30pm although times can vary. Most exams take place in the Sports Hall but there may be exceptions to this. On that note, I would ask all pupils to make themselves familiar with the mock exam timetable that will be provided to them by September 2024. We expect pupils to be outside the specified exam room no later than 10 minutes before the exam starts. Details regarding the Y11 Mocks can be found in the booklet below.

GCSE Summer Exams 2025

The GCSE Summer external exams take place from April through to the end of June (written exams start on 8th May and end on June 25th). Please avoid commitments during these periods as external exams cannot be rescheduled.

Each pupil is supported through the GCSE entry process and the exam period by a back-up team of staff which includes the Exams Officer, their Guidance Manager, tutors and subject teachers.

Any exam issues should be brought to the attention of Mr. Stewart (Exams Officer on j.stewart@toynbee.hants.sch.uk ) or, if subject related to the relevant Head of Department as soon as possible.