Year 7

The transition to secondary school can cause feelings of excitement and uncertainty. Some pupils will cope better than others, but it is important to remember, I am here to support in all aspects of this new journey.

My role as year 7 Guidance Manager is to ensure pupils feel safe, happy and supported throughout their first year at Toynbee.

It is also my role to make sure pupils are in school on time, have fantastic attendance, follow the school rules and wear the correct school uniform. I will work closely with you all in helping your child achieve all of the above.

My aim is to ensure your child’s transition is successful and memorable, by helping build friendships and for pupils to achieve their Personal Best, and adapt to secondary school life as smoothly as possible.

Year 7 Parents Evening Presentation


 Year 7 Guidance Manager - Miss B Sherrell-


Tutor Groups

7HO - Mr A Howe -

7SL - Mrs R Still -

7TS - Miss J Thompson -

7TK - Miss C Tucker -

7BC - Miss S Beech -

7CO - Miss M Connolly -

7CX - Mr J Cox -

7GO - Ms A Goldsmith -